Monday 21 October 2013


The following is our shot list which we composed in order to outline the most important scenes in order of when they will come up in the trailer. It was important to pick a variety of shots and angles in order for the audience to be captivated by the action throughout our trailer. The sot list is also very helpful in terms of helping us to organise ourselves as to where we are going to shoot and if we need to ask permission in advance to shoot at certain places. Additionally the shot list outlines all the necessary props that will help us in filming our scenes, therefore we can prepare ahead of time what props we will need. Overall the shot list is a very important part of our production as it will help us to effectively organise ourselves so we can create a high standard trailer.


Today was our third production meeting as a group. we have progressed really well in terms of setting tasks and completing them in a good amount of time. we discussed that if we manage to do the tasks we set each other in good time to a good standard, it leaves us extra room to start preparing for when we are going to shoot and focusing on ways that we can make our trailer as good as possible. 

At this point as a group we are working really well and taking the appropriate steps which will lead us into making a fantastic trailer.

Monday 14 October 2013


This section provides the plot idea that the trailer will reveal.

The trailer opens up to contrast the two main characters of Zara and Holly's lives. Zara is a 25 year-old upper class sophisticated investigative journalist. while Holly is an 18 year-old impatient and naive student. As the clip progresses, they begin to notice similar unusual activity in their different lives.

Zara and Holly decide to research the cryptic man that they continuously notice, and find his name is called Jack Pseudo, a man that died mysteriously over 50 years ago. Once the ghost knows he is being looked for, he starts to haunt the women further and scenes rapidly become faster and distorted.

Zara and Holly eventually meet in dubious circumstances, as the trailer reveals that they are somehow connected. Together, they form an unlikely bond and fight to uncover the mystery of Jack Pseudo and save their lives. The trailer ends with a shot of Jack appearing and then disappearing with heavy breathing and scream effects.

Monday 7 October 2013


Zara's House
This house will be one of our locations for our trailer firstly because one the team members live here therefore, it will be very easy to access and film. Secondly, the appearance of the house is very well suited to the character Zara. One of the main features of our trailer is that it contrasts two characters who have a completely different style of living. Because of that, this location will be the much more traditional, higher class home. The surroundings of the home are also very effective and follow the conventions of horror movies. The house is in a rural, quiet area surrounded by forests so therefore it will be effective in playing with the audiences fear. This is something that we found out during our research stage and looking the trailer of "The conjuring" as the setting of the film was based around a secluded, quiet area. As a group we liked that idea and found it to be good at intensifying the audience's fears. Lastly, we also wanted a location that the audience would be familiar to in order to increase how realistic the trailer is.

Holly's House
We have selected to use this house as our second location as one of our team members live here, thus making the filming process easier. This is the home of the modern character Holly, that contrasts the home of the character of Zara, who is more sophisticated. Although it does not follow the typical codes and conventions of horror films, we wanted to add a modern twist to our trailer in order for it to portray the idea that evil can affect everyone in unexpected territories. This location is based in a more urban area, therefore the audience can relate more easily, again intensifying how realistic the trailer is. Because of the mix of both traditional and modern styles, our trailer challenged and reinforces dominant ideology, giving a uniqueness and surprising factor.

Thirdly, we have chosen to use a field as an additional location in our trailer as it is located close to the home of Holly (A). As one of our team members is located close to the area, it will be easier to film as someone knows the location. and can therefore navigate the group. We will have to choose a time where the field will not be too busy to be able to give the desired effect that focuses on the two main characters.
The Library 
Lastly, our last location will be a library. This setting will be a key feature to our trailer as it what reveals to the audience the plot and Zara and Holly begin their adventure battling Jack . As a group we understand that the library can be busy which is why we will be shooting during quieter periods and will make sure of this by consolidating with the librarians. Its  really important that this scene is shot well as it will contribute in making our trailer effective. 


Today as a group, we had our second official production meeting as we have finished our research. The next part we are focusing on as a group is the planning section. Once again, we have a list of tasks that we have equally shared out among us in order to get a head start on the planning. As of today, we have started branching out our ideas as a group and putting them in a mind map.