Monday 25 November 2013


As a group we are now at the editing stage of our trailer and have made early progress in recording at the scheduled times and making sure we stick to arrangements. The editing process is really key as it will ultimately determine the finished product. As for today we started sequencing the order of our clips and a possible opening title scene along with the music.

Monday 11 November 2013


Today was our fourth production meeting as a group and marks the final stage of our planning. We have now reached the point where we have completed the tasks we set each other at the very beginning and are working as a group to finalize our production schedule and the script. After this, we will be making a head start on our filming so it is essential that we have done our planning well in order for the filming stage to go as smooth as possible.





As a group we have identified the key dialogue in our trailer, although its not much, we came up with the conclusion that we wanted our trailer to have a high sense of mystery and action therefore, dialogue wasn't too important but rather just to help drive the narrative for certain parts. We have also decided to take the gorrila filming effect for certain scenes so that there is a natural reaction in scenes rather than scripting out everything that we will do.

Monday 4 November 2013


 The risk assessment is a fundamental  part of out production as it will help us to identify an possible hazards that occur during our filming and how we can control them. By being well aware of all the hazards it allows us as a group to eliminate them, remain safe and make the production process much easier.

Throughout our production we will be reviewing these hazards to make sure all the necessary measures are being kept to avoid hazards from occurring.

Sunday 3 November 2013


We have created a storyboard in order to have a visual example of how our trailer will plan out. The series of pictures in a sequence helps to tell the story and show the flow of action, thus making it easier when we are shooting our scenes. As a whole the storyboard is effective in our production process as we will refer to it throughout.