Monday 31 March 2014



The following video shows all the feedback we acquired before and after we produced our main product and ancillary texts. The first piece of feedback we received was our initial questionnaire which we collected from asking 30 people, 15 girls and 15 boys. We used this questionnaire to determine the specific audience our products will be aimed at, the most popular genre and overall the type of horror film they would enjoy to watch. This was a key stage in our research as it allowed us to narrow down our ideas and plan specifically towards something we know a wide audience would be interested in. 

One of the key questions we asked in our questionnaire was which social media site audiences use and enjoy the most. The reason for asking this question was to determine which sites would be most effective in order to promote our products. From this we identified 'Facebook' as being the most popular response; therefore once we published it on 'YouTube' we made sure to post it on 'Facebook' to get as much productive feedback as possible. From this we gathered a variety of positive comments for our products which reassured us we had completed it to a high standard. There was however some comments regarding our trailer from people who found the 'humorous' side to it. We asked for possible suggestions to improve this as we didn’t want our trailer to be misinterpreted for a parody. From this we made slight changes to a scene which included a character screaming frantically.

Lastly, we used a questionnaire on a small focus group of 30 people which included 15 boys and 15 girls. From the focus group we asked 2 people, one boy and girl, who would be confident enough to express their views on our trailer. Overall the feedback for our trailer was very positive along with great comments from teachers. One of the most effective techniques highlighted about our trailer was the use of music and sound effects.

Overall the different feedback we gathered over time for our products helped us a great deal during the production process. Feedback was a very powerful tool in terms of assisting the decisions we made and affirming that we were headed in the right direction.