Wednesday 12 February 2014


This is our final design for the magazine EMPIRE. We have used the iconic logo at the top of the page with a tagline above that relates to the issue. The main character is featured largest with the two supporting characters below within Jack Psuedo to represent him manipulating the pair. The two figures are semi-transparent to add to the supernatural/ghost-like story line. Surrounding the main image of the actors is various fonts promoting different films. These had to be specifically researched to remain realistic and accurate. Furthermore, the film's logo is featured towards the bottom of the page to differentiate away from other films and make clear to the viewer the issue's main article. The title has a caption below relating to critical reception - another key aspect of journalism within the magazine. A barcode has been added on the cover to further add realism, with a date and price. Finally, a sticker-type effect has been used with the circular shape featured "30" as the biggest part to attract the audience, as seen on other publications from our research.

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