Monday 9 September 2013


A trailer is an advertisement for a film that is typically shown at a cinema theatre. Its purpose is to promote a film and attract an audience for financial profit, supporting the budget making of the film. It uses clips and extracts from the film itself, with additional voice-overs, effects and a form of narrative to explain the movie's general synopsis without revealing the full plot. Movie trailers are now also featured as part of DVDs and on the Internet and mobile devices. Of some ten billion videos watched online annually, film trailers rank third, after news and user-created video. The format of the trailer may produce different effects. For example, if a horror-type genre trailer is shown in low lighting, on a big screen in a cinema in 3D, it is more likely going to scare the audience more as it appears realistic, life-size and the audience feels more vulnerable with the fear of darkness. However, if the viewer was watching in an ambient lighting set, on a mobile phone, it would not give the same dramatic effect.

Teaser trailers are usually shown further in advance of the film's theatrical release. As it may still be in production or editing stages, there is usually less content to provide, creating a shorter duration. The teaser will not reveal as much of the plot to the audience. A Teaser trailer is desgined to entice its audience and raise their anticiption for the movie's release date. hence the title "Teaser". Many film use teaser trailers to give the public an insight into the movie but not enough to completely give away the plot or the "juicy" bits.

We will be making a horror trailer to advertise the upcoming horror film which will be shown in the cinema. We will select the most dramatic scenes and extracts from our film in order to entice the audience and increase excitment film. This will gain a large audience for our film and help in making our advertisment successful

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