Monday 27 January 2014


These are our initial designs for our film poster. We booked the college's photography studio to shoot rough cast photos of the three main starring characters: Zara Mills, Holly Smith and Jack Psuedo. We chose the shot we captured of the two companions back to back as it highlights the storyline of the two's alternate personalities. We decreased the saturation of the image to relate to the film's horror convention, though the pitch black background was increased in contrast to give a striking appearance to the design and allow text to be clearly visible over the layer. We then placed the main character in the centre across the two women and reduced its opacity to show the supernatural ghost-like nature of Jack's character. Finally, we added a logo through the centre of the page to appear striking and used a slashing-type font, again to relate to conventions of horror films. We finally, added the cast names at the top of the poster, and credits at the bottom, with a "Coming Soon" sub-caption and a 3D feature.

The second design added a red line through the logo to connotate danger or blood. In addition, a tag-line "The Truth Is Not All It Seems" was added below the film's logo and further credits were added. For the third design, a glow was added for "Coming Soon" to make it more visible to the audience. The fourth draft included adding a smoke filter over the top of the layers to add to the ghost/supernatural storyline featured in the film. The fifth design presented the character's in their correct outfits in reference to the character profiles powerpoint. We thought this design was good, though it was too close-up for a film poster. Our final design shows more establishing shots of all three characters and uses the transparency effects to merge the three together to represent that they are linked. Furthermore, upon research of other film posters, we incorporated social media links and a website at the bottom of the poster.

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