Monday 20 January 2014


For our self-designed magazine cover, our group had an idea referenced from the album cover of the band The Script's album #3. We think this design would work for our desired film trailer as the black and white colour palette is extremely striking to the eye and fits with our horror/thriller genre. Furthermore, the idea of the heads being intertwined would relate to our group's storyline of the character Jack Pseudo's mentality and connection to the two women Zara and Holly. To achieve this similar effect, we have booked to use the college's photography studio to take further photo shoots for our film. In this, we aim to capture various vantage points of the character's close-up faces. We will use Adobe Photoshop to edit these individual characters and piece them together. We will aim to keep the magazine cover fairly basic as we think this will be successful in creating the striking effect. We have also researched into various magazine covers to achieve a sense of professionalism.

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